Saturday, September 26, 2009

Soccer 2009

Sander is playing with the local YMCA soccer league this Fall. He's really great at warming up and genuinely likes playing - at home. Once the game starts he tends to freeze or move further away from the ball and other players! Maybe we need to toughen him up more at home ;) These pictures are from his first game. Keep in mind, it was about 90+ degrees, full sun, 11:00am and about 100% humidity. Poor kids!

The shin guards are hard to get used to!
Warm up!

Team circle before the game - Go Sharks!

Now that's the team spirit Sharks ;)

I'm done!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sander's First Day of School

Sander started his 2nd year at West University Methodist this year. He goes three days a week and is in the Giraffe's class. This is the one picture I was able to get from the 1st day.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We headed back to the Lost Pines Hyatt for Labor Day weekend. Evan and Kyle joined us for part of the weekend as well. We were able to celebrate Evan's 17th birthday! Here are just a few pictures.
Sander's actually having fun although his facial expression doesn't show it ;)

Happy 17 Evan!

Yes. there are 18 cupcakes!

This is Sander's new picture pose - don't you love it ;)

Sander had a blast running through the fountains!