Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sander took home his class "pet" George for a weekend. We took pictures of what he did with George throughout the weekend. Here he is getting ready for tennis lessons.

Coming back from the pool where daddy got him an ice cream sandwich :)

Notice the book that Sander is sleeping with - the guide to the World Cup! He made Matt go through all the countries by flag every night :)

This was Sander's first day of Pre-K. Yes. We all agree he needs school - bag around the neck not such a good idea ;)

Sander has become a pretty crazy Lego builder. Here he is with a castly that daddy "helped" him build. Sander wants to send this picture into the Lego magazine!

Sander hanging out with his cousin Alexa in NY

Sander and Alexa again in NY waiting to board the Rip Van Winkle boat for a ride down the Hudson River

And, here is our Mr. Fix It :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sander started playing soccer in September on the West University Recreational League. Believe it or not, there are more than 30 teams in the Under 5 division! He's really having fun and we're so proud of him. Here is a sequence of how he stole the ball in the 2nd game and took it down the field for a goal (1 of 6 for the game!).

This is at our house before Game 1. Gotta love the "game" face ;)

Here is where he steals the ball and notice the arms out to make sure no one takes it back - ha!

He's taking off with it now...

Now at center field - still running with it

His first opponent...

Sander stays with it though. There were a few pushes and shoves along the way though

A struggle at the goal

Annnd, he's got it!